Dr. Herman Gibb is Managing Partner and President of Gibb & O’Leary Epidemiology Consulting. Prior to joining with Dr. Keri O’Leary to form Gibb & O’Leary Epidemiology Consulting, he was President of Gibb Epidemiology Consulting, and prior to that was President of Tetra Tech Sciences, an operating unit of the Tetra Tech Corporation focused on health risk assessment. Dr. Gibb is an epidemiologist with an extensive background in health risk assessment; he provides consultation to a variety of government, private, and international clients. Before joining Tetra Tech in 2004, Dr. Gibb had a career at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency where he participated in the epidemiologic assessment of a variety of substances and was the primary author of an influential study on the risk of lung cancer among chromium production workers. He was a member of the Carcinogen Assessment Group – the beginning of U.S. EPA’s approach to carcinogen risk assessment and is the recipient of numerous EPA awards including the Gold Medal for his work on the risk assessment of arsenic. He was an invited participant on all the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Final Review Boards on Concise International Chemical Assessment Documents and a member of WHO’s Risk Assessment Steering Group. He is an author of WHO’s Principles for the Assessment of Risks to Human Health from Exposure to Chemicals. Dr. Gibb has served on several National Academy of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) committees and been a peer reviewer of NASEM reports.
Dr. Gibb has a Ph.D. in Epidemiology from Johns Hopkins and an M.P.H. in Environmental Health from the University of Pittsburgh. He is an adjunct faculty member at the George Washington University (GWU) and has served as a preceptor for GWU public health graduate students. Dr. Gibb is also adjunct faculty at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. In 2011, Dr. Gibb was awarded the Practitioner of the Year award by the Society for Risk Analysis. He chaired a WHO task force on the global burden of disease from chemicals in food (2007-2015). He was a member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the United States Transuranium (2007-2016) and Uranium Registry and a member of the Presidential Advisory Board on Science, Engineering, and Health at the Ana G. Mendez University System in San Juan, Puerto Rico (2001-2016). In 2019, he received the University of Pittsburgh Public Health Distinguished Alumni Award in recognition of “contributions to environmental and occupational risk assessment.” Dr. Gibb is a Lieutenant Colonel (ret) U.S. Army Reserves.